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SRF WCRB Bursary 2023

The 5th World Congress of Reproductive Biology will be held in Beijing, China 

13 to 15 September 2023

China National Convention Centre, Beijing, China

SRF Bursary applications are now closed.

Aim: SRF wishes to encourage and support SRF Members to attend and participate in the 5th World Congress of Reproductive Biology (WCRB 2023) being held at the China National Convention Centre, Beijing, China from 13-15 September 2023. We are pleased to announce SRF Bursaries which will support (i) Registration, (ii) Banquet dinner, (iii) Accommodation and (iv) Travel for SRF delegates.


This bursary is offered as an SRF Travel Grant and the same eligibility criteria will be used. If successful, applicants will not be eligible for a further Travel Grant for 2 years from the date of the conference – but will be able to apply for conference support prior to that date.

Members who have received an SRF Fertility 2023 bursary are eligible to apply for a bursary to attend WCRB 2023.

  • The bursary scheme is available to Full and Early Career SRF members who have held membership for a minimum of the last 2 consecutive years (must have paid dues for 2022 and 2023).
  • Bursary applicants will be offered a WCRB bursary on condition of having their abstract accepted at WCRB, either as a poster or oral presentation.


(i)   Registration: Full members, will be eligible for £350 to cover the Delegate Early Bird registration category. The registration part of the bursary will not be increased after the Early Bird registration expires on 31st  July 2023. Please note Early Career Members will be eligible for £200 to cover the Student Early Bird registration category. The registration part of the bursary will not be increased after the Early Bird registration expires on 31st July 2023.

(ii)  Banquet dinner: The SRF will contribute £50 to the cost of one banquet dinner ticket per member if requested. The cost of any additional items (e.g. additional social event tickets or accompanying persons) will be the responsibility of the individual.

(iii)  Accommodation: A maximum of four nights accommodation will be offered up to £100 per night (total allowance of £400). If occupancy is shared, the cost will be reduced according to the occupancy number i.e. if a twin room is booked for two people at £180 per night, £90 will be offered per night.

(iv)  Travel: Support will be offered for the least expensive economy fare or public transport based upon a fixed band system on distance travelled from your place of work and will be calculated as indicated below. Any other travel expenses i.e. between accommodation and venue, taxi or similar modes of transport not be reimbursed. For your application please calculate your travel distance using or a similar tool.

  • Less than 1000 km travelled:       up to £500
  • 1000 – 3000 km travelled:            up to £650
  • Over 3000 km travelled:                up to £800



All claims will be made post the event and must be accompanied by receipts for each area of support, including accommodation, travel, registration confirmation, certificate of attendance and presentation.


The SRF will have a limited budget available to support the attendance of its members at WCRB 2023. Once this limit has been reached, no further funds will be available.

The deadline for the SRF to receive bursary applications is Friday 16th June 2023.

  • Submit your Bursary application by completing the online application form – see link below.
  • Your application will be processed by the SRF Secretariat.  You will receive an email notifying you of the outcome and details of the bursary offer for your attendance at WCRB 2023 two weeks after the advertised closing date.
  • Providing all criteria are met, offers will be prioritised in order of submission (first submitted, first offered) until the full budget has been allocated or the closing date has passed.
  • Bursaries are offered on condition of abstracts being accepted for the conference.
  • Bursary applicants are responsible for registering directly for WCRB 2023 once their application has been confirmed.
  • Bursary applicants are responsible for all aspects of travel, accommodation, insurance, and visas as necessary.
  • Bursary requests after the deadline will not be considered.
  • Bursary claims will be made after the conference and will only be paid with proof of receipts, confirmation, or certificate of attendance and presentation.
  • Membership, as indicated, must be paid for prior to application submission.
  • Please calculate the total direct distance from your place of work town/city to Beijing in km for your application, this can be done through or a similar tool.


The SRF is not responsible for any cancellations, or individual expenses incurred while attending WCRB.

 ELIGIBILITY: (please read carefully before applying)

  • Applicants must have paid for at least two years of SRF membership (2022 and 2023 minimum) prior to their application to be eligible to apply for an SRF Travel Grant. Membership must have been paid prior to submitting the application.
  • The WCRB Bursary will be offered as part of the SRF Travel Grant scheme, therefore applicants will not be eligible to apply for a further travel grant to attend an event within the next 24 month period, although you may apply before the 24 month period is complete.
  • A report on the content of the meeting and the benefit to the applicant of attending is required, and may be included in the newsletter or SRF website. This should be provided by 15 October 2023 and is a condition of the award. Failure to provide this report will render applicants ineligible for future travel grants.


All applicants are responsible for their own insurance and quarantine, where applicable.


Delegates are responsible for organising and covering any visa costs prior to travel, further information is available at  Please make sure you are aware of entry requirements prior to travel.


WCRB 2023 has listed hotels that are near the Convention Centre and further information and the reservation process can be found at please read the terms and conditions carefully.


  • All members are expected to pay for their registration, accommodation, banquet dinner, and travel and submit a claim with all receipts after the conference, only one claim can be made per applicant. Claims without receipts will not be paid.
  • Certificate or proof of both registration and presentation/contribution must be submitted with the claim.
  • Bursary applicants are responsible for making reservations for all aspects of travel, accommodation, insurance, and visas as necessary.


Full conference information

Questions directly relating to the WCRB meeting (e.g. abstract submission or registration) should be directed to the WCRB 2023 Conference Office

Any questions regarding the SRF WCRB Bursary should be directed to the SRF Secretariat: Tel: +44 (0) 20 8977 7997 Email: