Fertility 2025 SRF Bursary

(ACC, Liverpool, UK 

Please note that applications are now closed.

    Additional criteria will apply to any new applications.

    • EC applicants must have been an accepted member – explained in the ‘Join Us’ section of the SRF website – and have paid for membership before 30 September 2024.
    • Open to EC members with accepted abstracts only. Priority will be given to applicants who have had an abstract accepted in the following order,  award lecture, rapid-fire and poster presentation.
    • If the number of applications is higher than the budget of £8,000 all travel allowences will be reduced to allow a maximum number of members to benefit.
    • All applicants must also meet the original criteria outlined in the bursary offer
    • Early Career Members* who have been SRF Members for at least 2 membership years (i.e. must have paid for membership in 2023 and renewed and paid for 2024 before they apply) are eligible to apply.
    • * BSc, Masters & First Year PhD Early Career Members with one years’ Membership (2024) may apply providing they were an accepted member of SRF and paid for membership before 30 September 2024.

    Please note that applications are now closed.

    Fertility 2025, the joint annual conference of ARCS, BFS and the SRF is the main scientific conference in the SRF’s annual calendar of events.  Fertility 2025 is being planned as a full attendance, in-person conference and will take place in Liverpool, England from Wednesday 8 to Saturday 11 January 2025. The SRF Satellite Day will be held on Wednesday 8 January.

    The SRF Council is continuing to support the conference and encourages as many members as possible to attend the event by applying for the specific, stand alone, SRF Fertility Bursary.  The 2025 SRF Bursary is open to all members (Full, Early Career, Retired and Honorary), including members who have received a Travel Grant in the past 2 years.

    A budget of £70,000 has been allocated for Fertility Bursaries for 2025, therefore a bursary award is not guaranteed and will be offered in order of applications received – providing all eligibility criteria are met at the time of application. We therefore advise members to apply as soon as possible.

    Fertility Bursary Eligibility

    Due to the above budget a bursary award is not guaranteed and will be offered in order of applications received and criteria being met.

    Full Members who have been SRF Members for at least 2 membership years (i.e. must have paid for membership in 2023 and renewed and paid for 2024 before they apply) are eligible to apply.

    Retired and Honorary Members are exempt from membership payment, but all other terms and criteria will be applied.

    Early Career Members* who have been SRF Members for at least 2 membership years (i.e. must have paid for membership in 2023 and renewed and paid for 2024 before they apply) are eligible to apply.

    • Priority will be given those applicants who have an accepted abstract for Fertility 2025.

    * BSc, Masters & First Year PhD Early Career Members with fewer than 2 years’ Membership.

    Please note that a budget of £10,000 has been allocated for this group and new members can apply for a bursary providing they fit the following criteria.

    • Are enrolled in a BSc or Masters degree course, or in the First Year of a PhD programme in a discipline related to the mission of the SRF.
    • Paid for their membership by 30 September 2024 (Please note that membership processing can take up to 6 weeks).
    • Confirmation from their supervisor has been received (this will be requested automatically on bursary application submission).
    • Further information/evidence may be requested to support bursary claims as appropriate.
    • Bursaries will be offered in order of applications received – providing all eligibility criteria are met at the time of application.

    Local Members SRF members who either work, live (or both) within a 30km radius of the venue ACC Liverpool (Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, Liverpool, Merseyside, L3 4FP) will receive registration and conference dinner only.

    SRF Associate Editor Members who have been invited to attend the Reproduction Editorial Board Meeting AND who have been an SRF Members for at least 2 membership years (i.e. must have paid for membership in 2023 and renewed and paid for 2024 before they apply) are eligible to apply.

    • All AE’s who have been invited by Bioscientifica will receive a maximum of 2 nights’ accommodation.
    • Registration, Conference dinner and SRF Social tickets (if requested), will be offered as indicated.
    • Travel will be covered by Bioscientifica.

    Bursary Offer 


    The SRF Bursary will cover Early Bird registration only.


    A maximum sum of £50 per night for up to 3 nights (a maximum of £150 for the entire meeting) will be available for all SRF members except those who either work, or whose home address (or both) is within a 30km radius of the ACC Liverpool.


    SRF will reimburse the cheapest economy fare on public transport or car allowance (40p per mile per car), from the applicant’s city of work to accommodation in Liverpool on arrival and departure only, to the maximum of the fixed rate below.

    Any other travel expenses i.e. between accommodation and venue, taxi or similar private modes of transport will not be reimbursed.  The SRF kindly ask that public transport is used wherever possible or car sharing if public transport is not possible,

    • Members living and/or working in Liverpool

    Applicants whose place of work is within 30km radius of Liverpool will not receive accommodation or any travel allowance. The calculation for Liverpool-local members will be measured using ‘as the crow flies’ (see below).

    UK and Ireland residents

    All members from the UK and Ireland will receive a maximum sum of up to £75. 

    Non-UK based members

    Travel will be calculated on a fixed band system based on the distance travelled from the city of your place of work to Edinburgh  To ensure fairness, this distance will be calculated using an online tool based on distance ‘as the crow flies’ as follows. Please calculate your distance before you complete the application form using http://tjpeiffer.com/crowflies.html.

    <1000KM                          £150
    1001-2000km                   £250
    2001-3000km                   £350
    >3001km                           £500

    All distance calculations will use an ‘as the crow flies’ approach http://tjpeiffer.com/crowflies.html. Please note that travel allowances as indicated are final.


    Please email the SRF Secretariat at srf@conferencecollective.co.uk if you require a visa letter.

    SRF Social & Networking evening

    The bursary will cover admittance to the SRF Social event on Wednesday 8 January 2025, this will include food and refreshments.

    Conference Dinner

    The bursary will cover 50% of the conference dinner (Friday 10 January 2025).  If requested the members will be registered by the Secretariat and the remaining amount will be deducted from the final claim.

    Terms of Full Attendance Bursary

    • All membership payments, as indicated above, must have been paid before the application has been submitted.
    • The bursary award is not guaranteed, and bursaries will be offered in order of applications received and providing all criteria met at the time of application.
    • The scheme will close when the budget has been reached or on the advertised deadline, no applications received after the deadline will be processed.
    • If the physical meeting is cancelled, all attendees will automatically be transferred to virtual registration, please make sure all accommodation and travel is refundable, this will not be covered by SRF in this circumstance.
    • All fees paid by the applicant are non-refundable unless the meeting is cancelled in full and cannot proceed online.
    • When applying you must confirm that you are a current member and have paid for membership as requested, if unsure please contact the SRF Secretariat.
    • All members will be expected to pay for their accommodation and travel and submit a claim with all receipts and attendance certificate after the conference. Only one claim can be made per applicant. Claims missing either the receipts or the attendance certificate, or both, will not be reimbursed.
    • Accommodation and travel expenses will be paid on confirmation from the organisers that you attended the conference. No consumables (i.e. food or drinks) will be reimbursed.
    • All recipients will be asked to write a short report that may be used for marketing purposes on the SRF website or social media.
    • The Fertility Registration Terms and Conditions apply to SRF bursary recipients.  All cancellations must be in writing to srf@conferencecollective.co.uk.
      • If a member cancels their bursary offer before Thursday 31 October 2024, they will be invoiced for a 12% administration fee.
      • If a member cancels their bursary offer before Monday 9 December 2024, they will be invoiced for 50% of the registration cost.
      • If a member cancels their bursary offer from Tuesday 10 December 2024, they will be invoiced for 100% of the registration cost.
    • If an applicant fails to attend, they will reimburse to the SRF all bursary expenses that the Society has paid on their behalf.  All successful applicants are asked to go to the SRF stand to confirm their attendance.

    Bursary Timeline

    Monday 30 September 2024: SRF Fertility bursary closes (11.59pm BST), please note that late applications will NOT be accepted.

    Monday 7 October 2024:  SRF Bursary applicants will be notified by the SRF Secretariat (The Conference Collective) of the outcome of their bursary application.

    Monday 20 October 2024: SRF Bursary applicants must confirm by this date, failure to do so will result in the offer being withdrawn.


    Currently, Fertility 2025 is being planned as a full attendance event, it is your responsibility to ensure that all reservations you make for travel and accommodation can be cancelled and or have full insurance.  The SRF will not cover any accommodation or travel costs if the Full Attendance meeting is cancelled.

    Please note:

    All bursary applications will be registered directly with the conference organisers. DO NOT REGISTER DIRECTLY.

    Please sign into the members area to submit an application.