SRF Early Career Symposium 2025
SRF Satellite Day, Fertility 2025, Liverpool
Wednesday 8th January 2025 (PM)

Applications are now closed.
This is unique opportunity for early career members to present data collected from vacation, honours and masters projects.
This event is a supportive environment for early careers to gain confidence presenting at a conference (3-minute talk + 2-minute questions)
Deadline for Submission: 11.59 GMT (midday) on Monday 12th August 2024
Word Limit: 300
The SRF satellite day at Fertility 2025 will once again commence with the highly anticipated early career (EC) symposium! During this symposium, early career scientists will have 3-minutes to present data from their undergraduate, vacation or masters research projects followed by 2-minutes of questions from the audience. Presenters must be members of SRF, but can apply for membership once they have heard if their abstract has been selected for a presentation, see below. This event is sponsored by the Reproduction and Fertility (RAF) Journal, and the selected winner will be awarded a prize.
Worried about financing your trip? Members of the SRF are eligible to apply for a bursary that will provide financial assistance towards the full conference registration fee, travel and accommodation costs.
We therefore strongly recommend that all EC symposium presenters apply for this bursary. The application process has been arranged so that there is time for it to be completed to make use of the early bird registration fee for Fertility 2025, if you are planning on attending the main Fertility conference as well. To be eligible for the bursary, you must have paid your SRF annual EC membership fee before applying for the bursary, so if you are not already a member then make sure that you apply for membership as soon as you hear that your abstract has been selected for a presentation (please allow at least a month for this to be approved).
Applications for the bursary are separate to the abstract submission process and will open after the abstract submission deadline. Follow this link for more details of how and when to apply: Early bird registration rates for Fertility 2025 close on 31st October 2024.
If you have any questions about the session or your eligibility please contact Alex Shattock ( or Hannan Al-Lamee ( /
Eligibility criteria:
The first (presenting) author must:
- Be an undergraduate, masters, or first year PhD student
- Be a member of SRF by the time of presentation
- Have completed the work during an undergraduate, vacation or masters project, not during their PhD
First-year PhD students may apply, but the work presented should have been solely collected during an undergraduate, vacation or masters project. Confirmation from the supervisor of the project being presented is required for all applications, to ensure that your work meets these eligibility criteria. To be considered for this exciting opportunity, click here to submit a 300-word abstract based on your research. Full eligibility criteria and abstract guidelines can be found below.
Abstract guidelines:
Word Limit: 300 words
1. All abstracts must be submitted in English.
2. The abstract is a summary of your work in its entirety. It should contain concise complete information sufficient to convey why the work was done, how it was done, the key findings and implications, and a complete data set.
3. Aim to capture the readers interest.
4. Be clear and concise.
5. Check the abstract carefully for spelling, grammar, readability and clarity.
6. The title should be succinct yet clearly describe the content of the work. Please use Sentence case (i.e. the first letter of the sentence is capitalised, with the rest being lowercase except for proper nouns and acronyms). There should be no full stop at the end. Please DO NOT use upper case for the title.
7. All abstracts must be submitted using the following headings:
(a) Purpose/background/objectives (b) Methods (c) Results (d) Conclusions
8. Use standard abbreviations only and place any unusual abbreviation in brackets after the full word the first time it appears.
9. No tables or images to be submitted in the written abstract.
10. Use generic names of drugs.
11. If reference is made to proprietary products or equipment, the manufacturer’s name and location should be included in brackets.
12. References should be kept to a minimum and should be consistently/accurately presented in Vancouver style.
13. The reference list is not included in the word count, but the citation numbers within the abstract are included.
14. Abstracts MUST be submitted using the text entry template provided.
15. A “blind” selection process will be used. No identifying features such as names of hospitals, medical schools, clinics or cities may be listed in the title or text of the abstract. If included this may result in rejection of your abstract. Do not include the names of authors either. The names of the authors and their affiliations (institutions) will be requested separately when you submit the abstract online.
All correspondence will be sent to the registered submitter. It is the responsibility of this person to pass on any relevant information regarding the submitted abstract and the conference to the other authors.