Call for Nominations to Council 2025

Call for Nominations to Council 2025 Members of the Society are cordially invited to stand for nomination for the following roles, due to the retirement or being elected to new positions as indicated below:  Grants & Membership Chair and General Secretary: Dr Ali...

Nominations 2023

Nominations 2023 SRF Nomination Information Nominations are now closed, further information will be provided at the SRF AGM in January 2024. Members of the Society are cordially invited to stand for nomination for the following roles, due to the retirement or being...

ISIR 2023

The 2023 ISIR Word Congress will be held September 14th to 17th, 2023 at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (Erika Haus), Hamburg, Germany. Discover the beautiful city and experience it’s welcoming people. The primary goal of the 15th World Congress...