There is currently a vacancy for the Chair-elect to become Chair of the SRF Council in January 2024. This is due to Professor Richard Lea reaching the end of his term as current Chair.  This vacancy has arisen because in the year prior to the current Chair stepping down, the additional position of Chair-elect will sit on the Council.

Members of the society with council experience, including at officer level, are cordially invited to stand for election for the position of Chair-elect – taking on the position of Chair following the SRF AGM on TBC January 2024 in Edinburgh.

What does the role of an SRF Council Member entail?

Successful candidates will be working alongside the following Council Members.


Position Name Completes Term: January
SRF Chair Professor Richard Lea 2024
General Secretary & Awards and Grants Chair Dr Ali Fouladi-Nashta 2025
Treasurer and Company Secretary Professor Bruce Murphy 2024
Programme Chair Dr Suman Rice 2025
Membership & Public Engagement Chair Dr Erin Williams (Casual Vacancy) 2024
Ordinary member Dr Rebecca Blanchard 2026
Ordinary member Professor Niamh Forde 2025
Ordinary member Professor Amanda Sferruzzi-Perri 2025
Ordinary member Dr Kim Jonas 2025
Ordinary member Professor Rod Mitchell 2025
Ordinary member Dr Federica Lopes 2027
Ordinary member Dr Emma Lucas 2025
Ordinary member Dr Agnes Stefansdottir (Casual Vacancy) 2024


Period of Office
On selection, the Chair-elect position will be held until the SRF AGM in January 2024 and as Chair for the 3 years after the AGM – January 2027.

In this position you may not be a beneficiary of the Society and thus are ineligible to receive competitive grants, funding and other such benefits available to non-council members.

Attendance at meetings
The Chair-elect will be expected to attend all SRF Council Meetings.  The foreseeable meetings are due to be held:

2023:   Thursday 2 & Friday 3 November 2023
2024:   During the Fertility conference, January 2024, TBC May and November

Spring and Autumn Council Meetings are held at a hotel, currently, this is at Manchester Airport – although this is reviewed annually.  The format is Thursday from midday and Friday until 5pm.  A working dinner is held on Thursday evening, overnight accommodation is provided, and travel expenses reimbursed.  The SRF AGM is scheduled to take place at the annual Fertility conference.

The Chair is also expected to serve on the following committees

  • Joint Journal Publisher Committee meeting – date tbc once a year*
  • Finance Committee meeting – 2.00-5.00pm on the Thursday of the spring and autumn main Council meetings
  • SRF Journals Committee meeting – meet four times a year*
  • Officer meetings – dates TBC held virtually between the main Council meetings*
  • Joint Executive Committee for Fertility Conferences – meets three times a year (rotating chair)*
  • Associated Fertility Societies Meetings – meet twice a year (rotating chair)*
  • The Chair may also attend Joint Programme Committee meetings held monthly*

*usually virtual meetings

Role as Charity Trustee

As a Member of Council, you are taking on the responsibility as a Charity Trustee whose responsibilities cover the following:

You and your co-trustees must make sure that the charity is carrying out the purposes for which it is set up, and no other purpose. This means you should:

  • ensure you understand the charity’s purposes as set out in its governing document
  • plan what your charity will do, and what you want it to achieve
  • be able to explain how all of the charity’s activities are intended to further or support its purposes
  • understand how the charity benefits the public by carrying out its purposes

To assist with your understanding of the Society, please refer to the Articles of Association and Byelaws which can be found under the Who We Are tab on the SRF Website

Further details about the duties of a Charity Trustee can be found at:


  • Under the Society’s rules, any Member of SRF (fully paid up as of Friday 14 April 2023) may stand for election.
  • Nominations must be supported by at least two fully paid Members of the Society. (For reference, a list of current Members can be found in the Members Area of the SRF Website under Notice of Elections).
  • The SRF Council listed above will be responsible for making the final decision.


Members wishing to stand for election must complete the application form on the SRF website to arrive no later than 09.00 hrs UK time on Tuesday 2 May 2023. Applications to include

  • Current or previous SRF roles, years held and experience.
  • Short statement providing other relevant experience.
  • Goals and aspirations for your time as Chair
  • The support of at least two Members, applicants are responsible for organising supporting statements on headed paper to be uploaded with their application on the SRF website.


09.00 Tuesday 2 May 2023: Deadline for Nominations:

NB – nominations must be received by 09.00am Tuesday 2 May 2023 then, as stated in the Articles of Association Article 49, the appointment will be by resolution of the Board.  If no suitable candidate is confirmed, then the post will be re-advertised.

Thursday 4 May 2023: The candidates will be shortlisted by a sub-group of the Council chaired by Professor Lea.  Suitable candidates will be invited to join the Council meeting on Friday 19 May 2023 in Manchester to be interviewed by the Council.  The appointment, with immediate effect, and will be by resolution of the board after a secret ballot.

18/19 May 2023:  SRF Council meetings in Manchester and Chair-elect interviews will be held virtually on Friday 19 May 2023.

AGM held at Fertility, January 2024: The role of SRF Chair is taken up at the SRF AGM.