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22nd Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine
Click here to view the full programme
Wombs with a View, Digital Images Archive
Please click here to view Wombs with a View
DohART-NET PhD Positions
Two PhD positions are are available through DohART-NET. Please see below links: ESR 2 position ESR 13 position
Postdoctoral Position Currently Available at the University of Hawaii
A postdoctoral fellow position is available to study the role of sex chromosome genes in gamete formation in the Monika Ward laboratory
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, the University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh – Centre for Reproductive Health
Teaching Fellow in Reproductive Biology, University of Edinburgh
Applications are invited for the position of Teaching Fellow in Reproductive Biology.
ESR 6 position, University of Southampton, UK
PhD Position (ESR6), University of Southampton
PhD Equine Fertility Project, University of Newcastle, Australia
PhD student to work on a brand new equine fertility project starting September 2019
Gordon Research Conferences – Frontiers of Science
Announcing the 2019 Gordon Research Conference on: Germinal Stem Cell Biology. May 19-24, 2019 Courtyard by Mariott Hong Kong Sha Tin Hong Kong, China Chair: Monika Ward Vice Chair: Blanche Capel Germinal stem cells are called the “stem cells of the species” as they...
Third International Symposium on Embryonic Diapause, June 2-6 2019
This is the first announcement of the Third International Symposium on Embryonic Diapause to be held in from June 2-6, 2019 at the Conference Centre Monte Verità, on Lake Maggiore, Switzerland. The enigma of arrested development of the embryo at the blastocyst stage...
Fertility and the Environment on BBC Radio 4
SRF Society's Richard Lea (Programme Secretary) was interviewed on "Fertility and the Environment" which was broadcast on BBC Radio 4, Tuesday 25 September. This was part of the BBC's Costing the Earth series which is looking at exploring man's effect on the...
Postdoctoral Researcher at St George’s University of London
An exciting opportunity for a Postdoctoral Researcher (or graduating PhD student) to join the group of Dr Kim Jonas, at St George’s University of London. For further information and details of how to apply, please see the below link. Closing date is 20th August....