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Editor in Chief – Human Fertility

Expressions of interest are invited for the position of Editor in Chief of Human Fertility.

Human Fertility is published by Taylor and Francis and is the official Journal of the British Fertility Society. It also provides a forum for the British Infertility Counselling Association, the Royal College of Nursing and Midwifery Fertility Nursing Forum, the Association of Reproductive and Clinical Scientists, and the Irish Association of Clinical Embryologists.

Over the past 7 years the journal has been successfully steered to a position where it is now publishing about 50 manuscripts in five issues each year. The journal typically has 41,000 downloads per year and the 2020 Impact Factor was 2.767.

The Editorial Board seeks a dynamic individual who can take the journal forward on behalf of each stakeholder organisation and further develop the profile of Human Fertility. Ideally you will have previous Editorial Board experience of an academic journal and have the academic breadth to be able to oversee the publication of manuscripts in clinical medicine, laboratory science and social science given the multidisciplinary strength of the journal. The successful candidate should be able to carry the confidence of members of the Editorial Board and provide guidance and leadership to their activities on behalf of the journal

The Editor in Chief is supported by an Editorial Assistant as well as eight specialist Sub-Editors and an Editorial Board of 15 individuals; some from each stakeholder organisation and some by invitation. You will be accountable to the Executive Committee of the British Fertility Society and be required to attend four of their committee meetings each year, as well as represent the journal at conferences as appropriate (see job description). Reasonable expenses and a stipend will be provided.

Individuals interested in the post should submit a covering letter and Curriculum Vitae to Sandra Dowling ( by 1st May 2022. They should outline their relevant experience and include a statement outlining why they feel suitable for the role. The British Fertility Society Executive Officers will assess all submissions and shortlisted candidates will be invited to interview (if appropriate) at a later date. Informal enquiries may be made by contacting Dr Jane Stewart (

Read the full job description at here.