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SRF Emerging Investigator (previously New)

Awarded to an SRF Emerging Investigator displaying originality, independence, and conceptual breakthroughs, are eligible to be nominated for this award by colleagues. Recipients present their lecture at the annual Fertility meeting and at the annual SSR conference in the USA, with all travel, accommodation and conference registration paid for by both societies.

SRF Emerging Investigator Award 2024

Assistant Professor Claire Stenhouse, Penn State University, USA



Nominations for the SRF Emerging Investigator Award for 2025 is now open

Members of the Society for Reproduction and Fertility (SRF) displaying originality, independence, and conceptual breakthroughs, are eligible to be nominated for this award by colleagues. Recipients present their lecture at the annual Fertility meeting (usually at the SRF Satellite Day) and at the annual SSR conference in the USA, with all travel, accommodation and conference registration paid for by both societies.


  • The New Investigator nominees must be SRF members for a minimum of 1 year.
  • Nominees must have a PhD or equivalent qualification.
  • Nominees must be not more than 10 years from either running their own group OR obtaining independent funding OR their first academic appointment.
  • A system of nominator and one or more supporting seconders is required for each nomination.
  • To ensure inclusivity and diversity we encourage applications from all groups including  those underrepresented.
  • Current council members are not eligible for nomination.
  • Unsuccessful nominees are encouraged to be renominated.
  • Career breaks or part-time work for caring or other reasons will be considered.


  • The deadline for nominations is 19 April to enable sufficient time to judge the nominees prior to the May Council Ratification of the successful nominee will take place at the May Council meeting. The Committee reserve the right to extend the deadline as required. Unsuccessful nominees can be reconsidered for nomination in subsequent years.

Judging of the Award:

  • The Award will be judged by a panel of SRF Council members (PAC)
  • Nominees will be evaluated on the originality, significance, and impact of their research in reproductive sciences or allied fields, and the degree to which their research was independent of that of direct supervision.
  • All eligible nominees will be considered alongside the following criteria. Please note that these criteria are considered as guidance to allow for fair comparison. There is no expectation that eligible candidates must meet every attribute.
  • Contribution and significance to the field of reproductive sciences. Evidence for this includes all or some of the following:
    • Peer-Reviewed Publications
    • National and International Awards
    • National and International Invited Presentations
    • Grant Awards
    • Commitment to the field e.g. involvement in societies, outreach, reviewing papers
    • Institutional Responsibilities
    • Supervision or junior colleagues or students
    • Research collaboration
  • Development of important new methodology, technology, and/or clinical procedures with clear applications in basic research, animal, or human clinical practice, or assisted reproductive technologies.


  • Fertility Conference Travel and Accomodation covered
  • Fertility Conference registration fee
  • Annual SSR conference Travel and Accomdation covered

Please make sure you have collected all the necessary information for your nomination before you complete the form.

Nominations for 2025 are now open.