Prof. Amanda Sferruzzi-Perri is a Lecturer in Reproductive Physiology in the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, at the University of Cambridge. Her research is focused on unravelling the environmental and genetic regulation of the placenta and, closely related to this, the in utero programming of adult diseases. Amanda became particularly fascinated by this research area during her PhD at the University of Adelaide, during which she assessed the role of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) in regulating feto-placental growth. Through an NHMRC Overseas Biomedical Research Fellowship, Amanda then moved to Cambridge, UK to explore interactions of the IGF system with the maternal environment (nutrition, oxygen availability and stress). Facilitated by the award of two consecutive research fellowships (Centre for Trophoblast Research and Royal Society), Amanda went on to examine the role of the IGF/insulin signalling system in maternal-placental-fetal interactions governing pregnancy and lifelong metabolic health of the mother and offspring. These studies continue to feed into her lab’s current research programmes in Cambridge. In her spare time, Amanda enjoys weight training (especially body pump classes!), listening and playing music and spending time with her daughter, hubby and other family and friends.