
Reproduction is an official journal of the Society of Reproduction and Fertility, alongside sister journal Reproduction and Fertility.

The journal publishes original research articles and topical reviews on the subject of reproductive and developmental biology, and reproductive medicine. It considers studies in humans and all animal species, and will publish clinical studies if they advance understanding of the underlying causes and/or mechanisms of disease.

The Editorial Board is led by Co-Editors-in-Chief Professor Chris Price, The University of Montreal, Canada and Associate Professor Karen Schindler, The State University of NJ, USA

2022 Impact Factor

Reproduction has received a 2022 Journal Impact Factor of 3.8. It also climbed to 9th of 31 journals in the ‘Reproductive Biology’ category of the Journal Citation Reports.

2021 Impact Factor

Reproduction’s 2021 Journal Impact FactorTM has increased to 3.923. It now ranks 13 of 31 in the Reproductive Biology category and 9 of 39 in the Developmental Biology category. The journal has achieved a Five-Year Impact Factor of 4.322.

 This result is testament to the high quality of authors’ published articles, alongside the hard work and dedication of the Editorial Board, our reviewers, and the continued support of our readers. Together, you ensure Reproduction is a leading journal in the field of reproductive biology

2020 Impact Factor

Reproduction’s 2020 impact factor has increased to 3.906. It now ranks 9th out of 30 in the Reproductive Biology category and 11th out of 40 in the Developmental Biology category. The journal’s five-year Impact Factor has increased significantly from 3.646 to 4.510, showing the continued relevance of research published in the journal.

This result is testament to the high quality of authors’ published articles, the dedication of the editorial board and reviewers, and all our readers, who digest and cite the published content. Together, you ensure Reproduction is a leading journal in the field of reproductive biology. 

Browse the 2020 Impact Factor collection of highly cited reviews and research which contributed to the latest Impact Factor.

2019 Impact Factor

We are pleased to announce that the Society’s journal, Reproduction has an increased 2019 impact factor of 3.206. It now ranks 10 out of 29 in the Reproductive Biology category and 12 out of 41 in the Developmental Biology category. The journal’s five-year impact factor remains high at 3.646, showing the continued relevance of research published in the journal.

This result is testament to the high quality of authors’ published articles and the dedication of the editorial board and reviewers, who together ensure Reproduction is a leading journal in the field of reproductive biology.

Click here to browse a collection of the most highly cited articles in 2019, which contributed to the latest Impact Factor.

SRF Reproduction Prize

Please click here to view information on the Reproduction prize.

Anniversary and Special Issues

Please click here to view information on Anniversary and Special Issues.

Reasons to Publish

  • Fast publication: the mean receipt-to-first response is just 19 days.
  • Global readership: over 25,000 users worldwide access the journal each month
  • Advanced publication – your article published online and fully citable within 24 hours of acceptance


Click here for Reproduction author guidelines.

Reproduction Infographic