Poster Prize Winners

 SRF Poster Prize Winner 2023

Jonas Zaugg, University of Cambridge, UK


His Presentation: 

“Pre-pregnancy obsesity disturbs placental iron handling in association with reduced placental iron accumulation and reduced fetal growth”

Joint Runners up:

Zoe Johnston, University of Dundee

“Sperm cell painting: a mechanism driven approach for drug discovery in human spermatozoa” 

Evie Gruszyk, University of Sheffield

“Investigating live human sperm metabolsim during hyperactivation and the acrosome reaction using 13C Nuclear Magnetic resonance”



  • Announced at Fertility Prize 
  • £250
  • Certificate 
  • 1 year free membership

Previous Poster Winners

2022 Hannah L Morgan

2021 Lia Paim

2020 Joint Winners Roseanna Rosario & Gutham Narayanan Subramanian

2019 Joint Winners Carlos A Morales Garduno & Gabriele Matilionyte

2018 Amey Brassington