Early Career Workshop 9 January 2024
Please confirm that you have paid for your SRF membership - see details below.
PhD, MSc & BSc students must be current members and paid membership for 2023, Postdoc must have paid membership for 2022 & r 2023) prior to making this application for, to be eligible for this workshop. If you are unsure please email srf@conferencecollective.co.uk
Have you previously attended the annual fertility conference prior to 2024?
Have you applied for a SRF bursary to attend Fertility 2024? *
Accommodation - please advise if you will need accommodation bursary for Tuesday 9 January (£50 ).
Please note that the SRF bursary criteria apply.
Lunch- If my application is succesful, I would like to attend the pre-workshop lunch on Tuesday 9 January 2024 9 January.
Dinner- I will be joining the ECRs for dinner on Tuesday 9 January 2024 9 January.
As part of the funding for this event, participants will be required to fill out a feedback survey after the workshop to help us improve future events. Please confirm that you will complete the survey following the completion of this workshop.