Travel Grants

SRF members are eligible to apply to the Society for financial support to attend conferences and meetings relevant to the fields of reproductive biology and fertility.


The value of each award will be determined by the distance travelled by the applicant from their place of residence to the location of the meeting they wish to attend (calculated by the SRF Secretariat), with the maximum amounts awarded as follows:

  • Less than 1000 km travelled:       up to £500
  • 1000 – 3000 km travelled:            up to £650
  • Over 3000 km travelled:                up to £800

The SRF is only able to support a proportion of the costs of attending a meeting; therefore no award will exceed 70% of the total cost of attending the meeting/conference and the distance travelled (as indicated above). All grants will be paid in £s sterling, and will usually be made in advance on submission of receipts.

Eligibility: (please read carefully before applying)

Applicants must have been a member of SRF for a minimum of 24 months (at the time of the event) and have paid for at least two years of membership before applying to be eligible to apply for an SRF Travel Grant.

  • Members who joined in 2023 are eligible to apply 12 months after their initial membership payment was made, (i.e. if they paid on 12 March 2023, they will be eligible to apply for a Travel Grant on 12 March 2024), provided they have paid membership for two consecutive years.
  • PhD EC members who joined in 2023  are eligible to apply 6 months after their initial membership payment was made, (i.e. if they paid on 12 March 2023, they will be eligible to apply for a Travel Grant on 12 September 2023), provided they have paid the current year membership and the event is 12 months after their initial membership payment was made.
  • Members will only receive one travel grant in any 24 month period, although you may apply before the 24 month period is complete.
  • Only SRF members who have paid as indicated above are eligible to apply for Travel Grants.
  • Members are not eligible to apply for SRF Travel Grants to support attendance at the Joint Fertility meeting, as financial support to attend this conference is provided by the Society through the Fertility Bursary.
  • A report on the content of the meeting and the benefit to the applicant and a certificate of attendance must be submitted with the final claim and condition of the award – the report may be included in the newsletter or SRF website – failure to do so may render applicants ineligible for future travel grants.


Applicants should ensure that their subscriptions to SRF for the current year have been paid before they submit their application.

Application Deadlines:

Travel grant applications will  be reviewed three times a year shortly after the deadline listed below, it is the applicants responsibility to ensure that they allow enough time to make travel plans after the deadline date.

Deadlines for receipt of applications have changed accordingly to:

1st March
1st July
1st November

Applications must be submitted in advance of the event to which they relate; retrospective applications will not be considered.  Applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application approximately one month after the above Travel Grant deadline.        

Please do not use this form to apply for the SSR 2024 annual conference in Dublin, Ireland.  A separate bursary for this conference will open shortly.