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SRF Early Career Pre-Fertility Workshop 2024

Edinburgh, Scotland

Held on Tuesday 9 January 2024

Piero Vitelli (Island 41) – Networking and Confidence Building

Dr Erin Williams – Building a Professional Presence on Social Media


Early Career Participants

Thank you to all that submittted Applications


Join the SRF Early Career Representatives for the second Pre-Fertility Conference research workshop, and make the most of your time at the conference.  This half-day workshop is open to BSc, MSc, PhD, and Post Doc researchers who are SRF Early Career members and attending Fertility 2024 in Edinburgh.

The event consists of two organised talks to help support SRF EC members to develop valuable skills for the conference and beyond.  The first talk will be given by Piero Vitelli on skills required for, and developing confidence in networking. The second talk will be given by Erin Williams, who will discuss increasing professional presence on social media. The event will finish with an EC social event including dinner and a drink.

Important Information

Eligibility: Applications are open to all SRF Early Career (EC)* Members provided they meet the criteria below.

  • Post Doc – at least 2 membership years (i.e. must have paid for membership in 2022 and renewed and paid for 2023).
  • PhD, MSc and BSc students must have paid for 2023 membership, confirmation of their study status from their supervisor will be confirmed via their Fertility 2024 bursary application.
  • Membership has been paid prior to application, if unsure please email
  • Attendance – the workshop is only open to EC members who will be attending Fertility 2024 in Edinburgh.

Accommodation: If your application is successful you will receive a budget of £50 for your accommodation, you will be able to claim this after the conference with your SRF bursary expenses.

Lunch: You are invited to the ECRs for lunch, please indicate on the application form if you would like to join.

Dinner: You are invited to the ECRs for dinner, please indicate on the application form if you would like to join.

SRF Membership: Membership must have been paid prior to submitting an application.

Deposit: A fully refundable deposit of £50 will be requested to secure your place once you have been accepted.  This will be refunded with your bursary claim after the workshop, this deposit will be forfeited if you fail to attend the workshop.