Early Career Rep: Dr Jessica Roach

Joining SRF this year, in the first year of my PhD, I bring a fresh view on what it is like being a newcomer, not only to the society but also to research and academia. This year I gained valuable experience in conference organisation; leading the social media for the International Symposium on Equine Reproduction, held every 4 years, as well as helping to organise a “New Investigators” breakfast for the event. This will provide the opportunity for networking and breaking down barriers for new attendees of the symposium. Over the summer, I trained and facilitated an immersive course on emotional intelligence for undergraduates. This experience helped my understanding of the topic as well as my experience in team dynamics and resilience. Being involved in these events will provide the skills necessary to excel in the Early Career Representative role. I hope to use my organisational abilities and my understanding of the awkwardness of being a new member, to continue to develop SRF as the welcoming and approachable society for which it is known. 

After a stint in stud medicine veterinary practice, I am now undertaking a 4-year PhD exploring umbilical cord torsions as a cause of abortion in thoroughbred mares. This project is working to identify the environmental and genetic factors associated with cord torsions as well as define the pathological features. Reproductive sciences, particularly through gestation, have always been a curiosity of mine and I am enjoying the opportunity to align my interests with my veterinary education.