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Chair: Professor Colin Duncan

Colin Duncan is a Principal Investigator in the MRC Centre for Reproductive Health at the University of Edinburgh. He is a clinician scientist who graduated from the University of Edinburgh. His research training included a Wellcome Trust Clinical Training Fellowship at the MRC Reproductive Biology Unit and a Clinician Scientist and Scottish Senior Clinical Fellowship at the University of Edinburgh. He runs a research laboratory that studies tissue and vascular remodelling in the human reproductive tract. He has a longstanding interest in ovarian physiology, particularly the structure and function of the corpus luteum. His research also utilises preclinical models of polycystic ovary syndrome where he is examining ways to improve ovarian and metabolic function with a view to translating findings into clinical practice. He is a subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery at the Edinburgh Fertility and Reproductive Endocrine Centre. One day he hopes to swap authoring papers for writing a trashy crime novel.