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Call for Early Career Representative Nominations 2025

PhD Early Career Representative Nominations are closed

The SRF values the views and opinions of its Early Career members who make up approximately half of the SRF members, and now has four Early Career Representative (ECR) positions on the Council.  This includes two postgrad/PhD students and two post-doctoral researchers.  These roles are an excellent opportunity to gain valuable insight into the workings of the Society and to ensure full representation of the Early career SRF members in SRF decision making.  All vacancies will be for a period of two years with two new opportunities available each year. Terms will be staggered to allow for continuity and support of new ECRS from existing ones.

Nominations are re-opening for the role of ECR PhD member to join the SRF Council in January 2025, due to the retirement of Dr. Gbenga Eweoya and Ms. Alexandra Shattock who have completed their terms of office.

Successful candidates will be working alongside the Council Members, Journal Editors in Chief and Earl Career Representatives listed below.

Position in January 2025 Name Completes Term: January
Council Chair Dr Suman Rice 2027
Programme & Awards Chair Dr Kim Jonas 2029
Education & Public Engagement Chair Dr Erin Williams 2028
Treasurer & Company Secretary Dr Emma Lucas 2029
Ordinary member Dr Rebecca Blanchard 2026
Ordinary member Dr Federica Lopes 2027
Ordinary member Dr Agnes Stefansdottir 2028
Ordinary member Prof Ruth Appeltant 2028
Ex Officio Completes Term: December
Co Editor-in-Chief of Reproduction Professor Chris Price  2026
Co Editor-in-Chief of Reproduction Associate Prof. Karen Schindler 2026
Co Editor-in-Chief of Reproduction & Fertility Professor Andrew Horne 2026
Co Editor-in-Chief of Reproduction & Fertility Professor Norah Spears  2026
Early Career Representatives
PostDoc Dr Shruti Kane 2026
PhD Dr Hannan Al-Lamee 2026


We are seeking an SRF PhD Early Career Member to take over from Ms. Alexandra Shattock, who will be finishing her term in January 2025.

This roles will be for the duration of two years from January 2025.

The role
As a PhD Early Career Representative, you will participate in Council and Committee meetings as indicated below where you will represent the views and concerns of Early Career members, including undergraduates, MSc, PhD students and postdoctoral scientists. During the two-year term, you will have the opportunity to be part of SRF Committees and to contribute to discussions and decision-making processes as necessary.

Early Career Representatives also take a leading role in managing social media sites and are responsible for organising the SRF Early Career Researcher Symposium at the annual Fertility meeting (liaising with the SRF Programme Committee Chair).  In addition to tasks related to the committees they sit on, ECRs are expected to be responsible for arranging events and resources for EC members. Support and advice will be given by all members of the Council as necessary.

Please note that ECRs are still able to benefit from SRF grants, bursaries, and awards.

Attendance at meetings
Early career reps are expected to participate in Council and Committee Meetings – either virtually or in person to be advised by SRF Council Chair.  The foreseeable meetings are due to be held:

2025:   Spring (usually May) and Autumn (usually November – virtual meeting)
2026:   January (to coincide with Fertility 2026)

ECRs based in the United Kingdom: You will be reimbursed for travel costs incurred in attending these meetings.

ECRs based internationally: You will be reimbursed for some travel costs incurred to attend the January Council meetings (coinciding with Fertility conference) and may be invited to the to attend the Spring or Autumn meeting in person during your two-year term on Council (with an expectation of virtual attendance to the other Council meetings).

Early Career Representatives are expected to participate in all Council and Committee meetings and should be available for the following;

  • Fertility Conference and Council meeting – usually Tuesday to Saturday in January
  • Council meetings in Spring and Autumn, Thursday and Friday
  • Virtual Committee meetings approximately 3 or 4 times a year.

Spring and Autumn

Council meetings are held at a hotel in an accessible UK location (currently Manchester Airport) or virtually and take a Thursday-to-Friday format.  Meetings are held on Thursday afternoon, followed by a working dinner (the meeting is on location) and on Friday from 09.00 – 16.00.


Meetings will also be held before the Fertility Conference, currently Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning before the SRF Satellite at the conference location.

Economy travel expenses will be reimbursed and and overnight accommodation/food will be provided as necessary.

How to apply

Please complete the Early Career nomination form, to be submitted via the website to SRF Secretariat by the deadline listed below.

To be eligible:

  • 2024 SRF Early Career membership fees must have paid their membership subscription by Friday 1 November and the candidate must have been a member for a minimum of 12 months prior to nomination.
  • Postgraduate ECR: candidate must be enrolled as a graduate student in a recognised PhD programme in a discipline related to the mission of the SRF. The graduate student must have a minimum of 12 months left in their programme.

Please include:

  • What you would bring to the role and goals for your term as an Early Career Representative. Please be aware that this information will be used for the election if required.
  • ECR Nominations must be supported by a reference from a fully paid (as of Friday 1 November 2024) full member of the Society. This can be the supervisor if they are a member (A list of current Members can be found in the Members Area of the SRF website under “Notice of Elections”).
  • Brief details about yourself including your research and interest in reproductive biology.
  • Recent photo.
  • Postgraduate ECR: please provide a letter of support from your supervisor.


Deadline for Nominations: 09.00 hrs GMT, Monday 2 December 2024.

All nominations received will be screened by the Chair and a nominated working group to determine eligibility. Should the number of eligible nominations received by Monday 2 December 2024 exceed the number of vacancies, then, as stated in the Articles of Association Article 50.7 to 50.10, the Secretary shall issue voting instructions to each Early Career Member of the Society (who has paid for their membership by Monday 4 November 2024.  If no applications are received for one of the positions, SRF Council may decide to appoint a second representative from the other category, conduct another nomination process or choose not to fill the position.

Monday 9 December 2024: If more than one application is received for PhD Early Career Representative position, all Early Career members will be sent a unique link to vote online to elect the next PhD Early Career Representative.

Friday 3 January 2025: Voting closes.

January 2025: The names of those successfully elected will be formally announced at the SRF AGM.

Please read carefully and make sure that you have all the information required prior to submitting your nomination.  Please go to the members’ area to apply or click on the link below.