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Call for applications for Reviews Editor, Reproduction.

SRF is seeking qualified scientists who wish to act as Reviews Editor for the Society’s flagship journal Reproduction for a fixed term of 2.5 years starting no later than June 2023.  The selected candidate will work with the current Reviews Editor for a 1 to 2 month transition period.

The individual selected for the post will be expected to work closely with the co-Editors-in-Chief, Karen Schindler and Chris Price, the Associate Editors and the Publisher to maintain the publication of high quality, novel review manuscripts on topics of relevance to the Journal.  The key responsibilities for this role are listed below.  We are now requesting statements of interest from potential candidates.  These should include an abbreviated CV, along with a description of the philosophy and goals relative to the publication of reviews, as well as any other information considered pertinent to the post.  The deadline for submission is March 1, 2023.


  • The Reviews Editor shall commission sufficient Reviews for the journal, so that the percentage of reviews content published does not fall below 25%, ensuring that articles cover topics of high interest and novelty that are written by leaders in the field.
  • The Reviews Editor will work with the Publisher and Associate Editors to identify key topics of interest and potential contributors/Guest Editors to the journal, including stand-alone review papers, special anniversary issues and themed issues for the journal.
  • The Reviews Editor will oversee the peer review process for all review articles submitted to the journal, reviewing decision recommendations made by the handling Associate Editor and making a recommendation to the Co Editors-in-Chief. The Reviews Editor should provide additional feedback to the authors to clarify the key points they need to address in a revision, including any additional necessary revisions that may not have been requested by the reviewers or Associate Editors. The Reviews Editor will ensure that authors receive a decision promptly.
  • The Reviews Editor is invited to attend the annual Editorial Board Meeting of the journal and additional meetings with the Co Editors-in-Chief and Publisher as necessary.

Statements of interest should be addressed to Chris Price at