What is Coaching?
Coaching is an empowering process which can assist you to achieve your personal and professional goals. It can help you deal with issues and challenges before they become major problems. Coaching is a great way to develop your skills and abilities at a pace and direction that you choose.
By committing to undertake a programme of coaching sessions, you will explore a key goal that you would like to achieve. Coaching is successful when you understand the reasons why you wish to work with a coach. Expectations on what you want to achieve throughout the process will be jointly agreed. Together, we will identify actions that you will take forward to achieve your goal.
A coaching session will typically take place as a conversation between myself as coach and you as the client. Your session will focus on helping you to discover answers for yourself. People are much more likely to engage with solutions that they have come up with themselves rather than those that are forced upon them. Coaches are not counsellors, psychotherapists, gurus, teachers, trainers, or consultants. Although coaches may use some of the same skills and tools. We will explore this further as part of your first session.
The Benefits of Coaching
Coaching will enable you to take time to think. It will provide you with the opportunity to feel truly listened to and will help build your understanding and awareness of key areas in your life which you would like to change. It will help you take ownership of your personal situation and achieve your potential. You are your guiding compass!
It is built based on Confidentiality and Trust and will only be successful when you feel able to discuss every aspect of an issue with your coach. Coaches will listen to the personal and unique life stories which you wish to share. You can be assured that these will remain in confidence. The only exception will be if, your coach considers that you may harm yourself, somebody else or were breaking the law. Coaching, as a principle, works on the basis that the solution to your issue lies within you. It is your coach’s job to ask the right questions. These questions will help you to arrive at your own conclusions which will assist you to make the changes you wish to make in your life.
Coaching is About the Whole Person and an Equal Partner in the Coaching Relationship
Although each coaching session will focus on one issue, your coach will always be mindful that they are having a conversation. Within that conversation specific experiences, emotions, and patterns of behaviour will emerge. The best coaching conversations are set up so that the coach and client are equal partners. You define the issue and they will help you deal with it in a way that ensures you are committed to making positive, sustainable changes.
Coaching Looks to the Future and Next Actions
When you are coached you may be looking for some change to either your performance, career, or life direction. Determining the right path for you may require looking at past experiences and decisions. At the end of your coaching session, you will leave with an agreed set of actions to work on to achieve your personal goals.