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12-15 October 2022, Mont Sainte-Odile, France

Sex and Signaling: the molecular basis of sex and gender medicine

Abstract :
Sex is a major biological variable known to be largely underrated in the biological and medical research. The purpose of this Symposium is to focus on new functions and/or discoveries in the genetic determinants and hormonal regulation of sex and gender differences during evolution and the life span in humans and translationally relevant animal models. The target audience will be clinicians and basic scientists working in the field of reproductive biology, genetics, pharmacology and medicine.

Confirmed speakers:

Ali Abbara, Julie Bakker, Andrzej Bartke, Fabio Blandini, Gian Paolo Dotto, Colin Duncan,Christa Flück, Alan Herbison, Vincent Laudet, Michael Mancini, Jordan Marrocco, Olavi Pelkonen, Focko Rommerts, Ivanca Savic, Anne Simone-Parent, Wayne Tilley, James M.A Turner, Eric Vilain, Jenny Visser, Tristram Wyatt

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