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Steward Rhind Competition Guidelines

Stewart Rhind Competition Guidelines

The communication prize should be designed in a delivery style accessible to the educated non-specialist reader and is assessed on delivery style, outreach and impact, relevance to the field and accessibility. This could include graphics, written content, podcasts blogs and / or video to deliver the topic. You could view New Scientist articles, SfE video award (link) or the Nature news/videos for inspiration.

Competition Guidelines

The submission should be:

  • About an aspect of reproductive biology and will be assessed on delivery style, outreach and impact, relevance to the field and accessibility.
  • Delivered in a style accessible to the educated non-specialist reader.
  • Creative and include a combination of written content and: figures/graphics/ animation or video to deliver the topic. You could view New Scientist articles, SoE video award (link) or the Nature news/videos for inspiration. Essay style submissions are discouraged.
  • A maximum of two A4 pages.
  • If a video is used to support the article, this is suggested to be between one and two minutes long. The video should be in a youtube compatible format, with the following criteria applied: <25MB, MP4 file format, frame size 1920 x1080 m, frame rate: 25 frames / second.
  • Entrants must ensure that all figures comply with UK copyright regulations. The judging panel encourages development of own artwork.
  • Entries must include the author’s name and institution. It is also a recommendation to provide a twitter handle for networking purposes if used.
  • Entries can be submitted from both members and non-members.
  • Entries must be submitted via the application form below.
  • SRF reserves the right to scan submissions electronically to detect plagiarism for written content.
  • SRF reserves the right to withhold the prize in the event that no entry is deemed to be of a sufficiently high standard.
  • By submitting, the author agrees to transfer copyright to the SRF and to allow the Society to disseminate the collection in electronic media.
  • Entries will be collated and assessed for quality by the SRF education committee and will be published on the SRF education section of the website as a readily available submission if deemed appropriate.
  • Submissions can be submitted at any time throughout the year but shall close in October for judging.
  • Submissions shall be assessed according to the marking rubric.
  • The winner will receive a prize of £250, one year’s free membership of the SRF and will be invited to attend the Fertility meeting to receive their prize.
  • If more than one submission is judged as ‘highly commended’ by the judging panel, a runner up prize may be awarded as decided by the judging panel.