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SRF Stewart Rhind Science Writing Prize - Previous Winners

2023 Winner

SEX: The last real Binary? 

Shiuli Bhattacharyya

2020 Winner

Puma knockout protects the uterus from radiotherapy-mediated damage: implications for fertility preservation for female cancer survivors

Clare Pearson

2018 Winner

Reverie or reality? The search for a new male contraceptive

Scott Calvert

University of St Andrews

3rd year Medicine

2017 Winner

The Current State of Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy

Kirsty Uttley

University of Edinburgh

4th year BSc Hons Biological Sciences (Molecular Genetics) 

2016 Winner

The Evolution of Sex Chromosomes and Dosage Compensation in Mammals

Lina Zakarauskaite

University of Edinburgh

3rd year BSc Hons Biomedical Sciences (Pharmacology)

2013 Winner

“The Prozac Nation”: SSRIs and fertility – mind over matter? 

Emily Cornish, University of Oxford

Reading for BM BCh in Clinical Medicine