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‘Reproduction in a Changing World’ – New E-Book

Thank you for downloading ‘Reproduction in a Changing World’. This is the first in a planned number of educational e-books and we would appreciate any feedback.  To help us plan further editions please click on the link below.  If you have any questions please email 

Do you want to know more about how your environment and lifestyle affects your reproductive health?

Well, the Society for Reproduction and Fertility (SRF) is proud to present its first educational e-book entitled ‘Reproduction in a Changing World’. Written by leading researchers and clinical doctors, this e-book creatively illustrates the latest scientific evidence in the field.

The e-book is for  those aged 11 years and older with the  aim of providing  them with knowledge about their own bodies to make informed decisions on how to improve their lives and the lives of others. ‘Reproduction in a Changing World’ is free to download and share widely from the SRF website from the 8th January 2025