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Anniversary and Special Issues

Reproductive Toxicology

 The November 2021 issue of Reproduction contains a special editorial on Reproductive Toxicology guest edited by Dr Aileen F Keating and Dr Adam J Watkins.

This special series was designed to provide further insight into female reproductive toxicity with review papers on emerging toxicants and emerging cellular targets.

This special issue describes several aspects of reproductive toxicity and highlights where deficits remain and how specific developmental windows of exposure can be critical for the resultant outcomes.

Explore this special issue:


Reproductive Toxicology. Dr Aileen F Keating and Dr Adam J Watkins

Author(s): Aileen F Keating and Adam J Watkins



The male mammary gland: a novel target of endocrine-disrupting chemicals

Author(s): Gillian K Szabo and Laura N Vandenberg

Author(s): Vasiliki E Mourikes and Jodi A Flaws

Author(s): Afsaneh KhoshkerdarEce EryasarHannah L Morgan, and Adam J Watkins

Author(s): Heather B Patisaul

Author(s): Troy A Roepke and Nicole C Sadlier

Author(s): Hui Li and Daniel J Spade

Author(s): Diana K HaggertyKristen UpsonDiana C PacygaJ Ebba FrankoJoseph M Braun, and Rita S Strakovsky

 Watch this video from Guest Editor, Professor Adam Watkins.


25th Anniversary of cloning by somatic-cell nuclear transfer

The July 2021 issue of Reproduction contains a special editorial on 25th Anniversary of cloning by somatic-cell nuclear transfer guest edited by Dr Kevin D Sinclair.

The issue opens with a brief historical perspective of the scientific legacy of Dolly from one of the co-authors (Prof Dr Angelika Schnieke) of the article that first reported this development in 1997. Klinger & Schnieke (2021)summarise current applications of SCNT and discuss its relevance in the 21st century. There then follows two articles that each provide both a historical and contemporary perspective on the role of SCNT in the generation of GM livestock. The first article (Polejaeva 2021) provides a detailed overview of the technical advances made in GM technologies over the past 25 years from a leading member of the team that produced the first cloned pigs by SCNT in 2000. This article also offers a perspective on the current and future role of SCNT in the creation of genetically engineered animals; a perspective that is extended by Galli & Lazzari (2021) who consider applications in several large-animal species together with intellectual-property and regulatory challenges that will ultimately determine its use.

Explore this special issue:

25th Anniversary of cloning by somatic-cell nuclear transfer. Dr Kevin D Sinclair.


 Dolly at 25… is she ‘… still goin’ strong?’ Author(s): Kevin D Sinclair

Anniversary Review


 Watch this video from Guest Editor, Professor Kevin Sinclair


Hypoxia and Reproductive Health

The January 20201 issue of Reproduction contains a special editorial on hypoxia and reproduction guest edited by Dr Jacqueline Maybin.

This editorial comprises seven diverse reviews exploring how varying oxygen levels can change reproductive biology from the non-pregnant reproductive system, through early pregnancy, foetal development and delivery.

Each review gives a comprehensive overview of current knowledge, and signposts areas for future research in the rapidly evolving field of hypoxia and reproduction.

Explore this special issue:


Hypoxia and reproductive health. Jacqueline A Maybin


The presence and role of hypoxia in the endometrium. Rocío Martínez-Aguilar, Lucy E Kershaw, Jane J Reavey, Hilary O D Critchley, and Jacqueline A Maybin

The role of hypoxia in the development and progression of endometriosis. Wan-Ning Li, Meng-Hsing Wu, and Shaw-Jenq Tsai

Hypoxia and ovarian function: follicle development, ovulation, oocyte maturation. Megan Lim, Jeremy G Thompson, and Kylie R Dunning

Hypoxic regulation of preimplantation embryos: lessons from human embryonic stem cells. Franchesca D Houghton

Oxygen and development of the human placenta. Graham J Burton, Tereza Cindrova-Davies, Hong wa Yung, and Eric Jauniaux

Hypoxia and labour. Susan Wray, Mona Alruwaili, and Clodagh Prendergast

Reproductive challenges at high altitude: fertility, pregnancy and neonatal well-being. Lorna G Moore

Watch this video from Guest Editor, Jacqueline Maybin

30 years of pre-implantation genetic testing

The November 2020 issue of Reproduction includes special content on pre-implantation genetic testing, which is guest edited by Professor Alan Handyside, who reported the first pregnancies using this technique in Nature in 1990. The special content includes an Editorial from Professor Handyside, followed by five free-to-read reviews, from authors including Laurent Tellier, Joris Robert Bermeesch and Kathelijn Keymolen.

Explore the special content:

EDITORIAL: 30 years of preimplantation genetic testing. Alan H Handyside.

REVIEW: Non-invasive prenatal testing for aneuploidy, copy-number variants and single-gene disorders. J Shaw, E Scotchman, N Chandler, and L S Chitty.

REVIEW: Preimplantation genetic testing for polygenic disease risk. Nathan R Treff, Diego Marin, Louis Lello, Stephen Hsu, and Laurent C A M Tellier.

REVIEW: Single-cell technologies at the forefront of PGT and embryo research. Olga Tšuiko, Elia Fernandez Gallardo, Thierry Voet, and Joris Robert Vermeesch.

REVIEW: Chromosome abnormalities in human embryos. Carmen Rubio, Lorena Rodrigo and Carlos Simón.

REVIEW: Clinical experience of preimplantation genetic testing Martine De Rycke, Veerle Berckmoes, Anick De Vos, Stefanie Van De Voorde, Pieter Verdyck, Willem Verpoest, and Kathelijn Keymolen.


Watch this video from the Guest Editor, Professor Alan Handyside


IVF Special Issue, guest edited by Lord Robert Winston

The July 2018 issue of Reproduction marked the 40th anniversary of the first birth of a baby conceived by in vitro fertilisation. The issue is guest edited by Lord Robert Winston who, in his editorial, expresses concerns that advances in the field of reproductive medicine may be being hampered by a lack of fundamental academic research, which may be a result of regulatory bureaucracy.

The issue contains seven free-to-read anniversary reviews:

Low-dose gonadotropin induction of ovulation in anovulatory women: still needed in the age of IVF

Davinia M White, Kate Hardy, Suzannah Lovelock, and Stephen Franks

Female fertility preservation: past, present and future

Benjamin Fisch and Ronit Abir

Chromosomal analysis in IVF: just how useful is it?

Darren K Griffin and Cagri Ogur

Development of ICSI

C L O’Neill, S Chow, Z Rosenwaks, and G D Palermo

In vitro follicle culture in the context of IVF

Anamaria C Herta, Francesca Lolicato, and Johan E J Smitz

‘Designer babies’ almost thirty years on

Alan H Handyside

Previous Anniversary Issues

Anniversary Issue: 25th birthday of intracytoplasmic sperm injection

This issue is guest edited by Gianpiero Palermo and Claire O'Neill. You can read their editorial here.

Gianpiero Palermo has recorded a short video discussing the success of ICSI since its inception and looking toward the future of assisted reproductive technology.

The anniversary reviews that make up the special issue are:

Publication of Sex in 3 Cities Review

Richard M Sharpe, who gave the 2017 Sex in 3 Cities lecture series, has published a review article based on the content of his talks.

The article, entitled “Programmed for sex: Nutrition-reproduction relationships from an inter-generational perspective”, encourages readers to consider reproduction as a long-term investment whereby nature has evolved epigenetic regulatory mechanisms that enable the rapid adaptation of offspring to their perceived nutritional environment.

Read the review here.


30 years of interferon-tau

Professor Michael Roberts is the guest editor of Reproduction’s anniversary issue commemorating 30 years of interferon-tau.

Read Professor Roberts’ editorial here.

Professor Roberts has also kindly recorded a video linked to this anniversary issue that can be viewed below.

Anniversary Reviews comprising the anniversary issue:

The evolution of interferon-tau by Alan D Ealy and Lydia K Wooldridge

Chronicling the discovery of interferon tau by Fuller W Bazer and William W Thatcher

Transcriptional control of IFNT expression by Toshihiko Ezashi and Kazuhiko Imakawa

Interferon-tau and fertility in ruminants by N Forde and P Lonergan

Paracrine and endocrine actions of interferon tau (IFNT) by Thomas R Hansen, Leticia D P Sinedino, and Thomas E Spencer