Subject: Invitation to Contribute to the Special Issue “Novel Regulators of Female Reproduction” of journal “Pharmaceuticals” (IF 4,286)

Dear Colleague,

I recently accepted an invitation to serve as the Guest Editor of a Special Issue of the journal Pharmaceuticals entitled “Novel Regulators of Female Reproduction”.

Based on your expertise in this field, I would like to invite you to contribute a review or full research paper for peer review and possible publication in this Special Issue.

More information regarding this special issue can be found at: 

Pharmaceuticals is an online open access journal covering drug-related sciences. It is indexed by PubMed and SCIE. It has *Impact Factor* of 4.286, entering the ranking in the category ‘Pharmacology & Pharmacy’placed 49 out of 270 (Q1). For more details about this journal and the associated article processing charge, please refer to the links below.

Pharmaceuticals webpage:

Editorial Board webpage:

In the hope that this invitation receives your favorable consideration, we look forward to our future collaboration.

Although the deadline for submission of manuscripts to the Special Issue is 28 February 2021, I would appreciate hearing from you over the next few weeks if you are interested in submitting a paper.

With best wishes,

Prof. Alexander V. Sirotkin, PhD., DrSc.

Prof. Adriana Kolesarova, PhD.