Your Early Career Representatives
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Postdoc ECR: Dr. Shruti Kane
National Phenotypic Screening Centre, University of Dundee
Dr. Kane is a Post-doctoral screening scientist at the National Phenotypic Screening Centre, University of Dundee. She completed her Master’s in India followed by a PhD studying the genetic causes of male infertility at Abertay University, Dundee. Her post-doctoral research involves using cutting-edge robotics for high throughput screening of chemical compounds with non-hormonal contraceptive potential. In particular, she is developing sperm painting, an image-based technology that fingerprints the functional state of sperm cells using multiplexed fluorescent microscopy for contraceptive discovery.
PhD ECR: Dr Hannan Al-Lamee /
Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Centre for Women’s Health Research, Institute of Life Course, University of Liverpool, UK
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK
Dr Hannan Al-Lamee is a specialist trainee in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in North West London, working at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. Hannan is a Member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (MRCOG) and has an MBChB and MPhil from the University of Liverpool. She is currently writing up her PhD from the University of Liverpool which investigates endometrial receptivity and regeneration within the normal cycling endometrium and the endometrium from those with recurrent reproductive failure. In particular, her research focuses on the characterisation of human endometrial epithelial stem/progenitor cells. Hannan has a keen interest in human reproduction and has recently completed a clinical research fellowship at the Hewitt Fertility Centre. Her main research interests include the human endometrium, embryo implantation, recurrent pregnancy loss and recurrent implantation failure.
Postdoc: Vipul Batra
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Sheffield
Vipul completed a M.Sc. in System Biology and Bioinformatics at the Panjab University and a PhD in Animal Biotechnology from ICAR-NDRI, India. Currently a postdoctoral researcher at The University of Sheffield, he explores how a father’s diet influences gamete quality, embryonic development, maternal health, fetal growth, and the lifelong health of offspring. His research focuses on whether extracellular vesicles (EVs) from the male reproductive tract play a role in parental programming under the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) paradigm.
PhD: Rebecca Ainslie
Second year PhD student on the Precision Medicine Doctoral Training Programme at the University of Edinburgh
Rebecca is a Precision Medicine PhD student based at the Institute for Regeneration and Repair at the University of Edinburgh. She completed an Honours degree in Biological Sciences (Immunology) and Masters by Research degree in Biomedical Sciences (Life Sciences) at the University of Edinburgh before starting her PhD in the Reproductive Immunology field. Her PhD research sets out to interrogate the phenotype and function of immune cells during post-menstrual endometrial repair. Rebecca’s research combines the use of in vivo models as well as a multi-centre clinical study to better understand the process of both normal and abnormal menstruation.