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Early Career Member’s Social Media Groups

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The SRF Early Career Representatives (ECRs) run a group Twitter List and closed Twitter group chat to:

  • Allow EC members to stay up to date with upcoming events
  • Allow EC members to network with other researchers in the society
  • Act as a safe space to ask questions and enable networking and collaborations

If you are interested in joining the SRF Twitter list and/or group chat, please complete the form below and the SRF ECRs will add you to the list.


We are in the process of establishing a LinkedIn page and closed group chat. We will update this page and our Twitter List/Group once this is available with details of how to join. 

We want to hear from our Early Career Members. Please email or email us individually if you have any questions or suggestions for your ECRs and for ways to enhance the experience we offer for out early career members.