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Dr Stewart Rhind


The SR Communication Prize is the third name iteration of this competition.  For those wondering where the ‘F’ has gone in an ‘SRF’ prize, here is the answer: Originally named the ‘The SRF Essay Prize’, this award was renamed in honour of Dr Stewart Rhind (SR) (pictured below), who was tragically killed in a car accident in March 2013, along with his colleague Dr Julian Dawson. Professor Mick Rae, a friend and colleague of  Dr Rhind, explains below why renaming the essay competition, and indeed this further renaming to SR Communication prize, was a suitable way for the Society to remember Stewart and his contributions:

“Stewart Rhind was well known to our society as a scientist, colleague, and friend. His specialism was mammalian reproduction, and his work on the effects of nutrition and environmental contaminants on animal and human reproductive health was internationally recognised, remaining a bedrock of the work we perform today. He had published 137 peer-reviewed papers, and was a member of SSF and SRF  for many years.

There were two main reasons for the SRF essay prize bearing Stewart’s name, and, as we move forwards, why this award still carries his initials. Firstly, as a scientist Stewart was a great example to younger scientists: although tremendously busy, he always made time for colleagues, and particularly students. Both in a supervisory, mentoring capacity, and in pastoral care roles, Stewart was universally respected and liked by students, many of whom are members of SRF today. Secondly, Stewart had a tremendous command of English, and was an expert written and verbal communicator. He enjoyed the use and crafting of language, far beyond the confines of scientific writing.

 The inclusion of Stewarts initials in the SR Communication Prize therefore captures his love of reproductive sciences, his encouragement and training of younger scientists in the field of reproduction, and his personal ability and enjoyment of exemplary written and verbal scientific communication.”